Welcome to Trailer and Zen

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Burleigh Beach
Enjoying the sunset vibes at Burleigh Beach

I mulled for weeks over the title for this blog. As one lukewarm idea followed another (and another), it was time to entreat (Mr M) over a glass of wine one evening. “Come on love, how about you help me brainstorm a title for my blog? I’m really stuck!”. I had little expectation – he was a scientist, after all. But as a ‘marketing type’ used to being surrounded by creative people, I was a little desperate for someone to ‘bounce off’.

I got the expected response “What help am I’m going to be? You’re meant to be the creative one!”. But my persistence (plus a brief lesson on ‘ideation’ and more wine), paid off. My love – despite being out of his comfort zone and more than a little reluctant – had done it again. This time, with the perfect blog title.

Our little trip had been planned for months (even years, if you go back as far as dreams). The idea was to take off around Eastern Australia in a camper trailer, creating a once in a lifetime experience for our family of four. So we bought the camper trailer, and time out of ‘real life’, to do just that. And while these adventures won’t come cheap, some wise and well-traveled folk tell me that the precious memories we make will have no expiry date or price tag.

For me, this trip is also a chance to press pause – to re-connect with my family, my body, my heart, my soul. Feeling creatively barren and totally stretched, I’d lost touch with my own magic and the ability to fully enjoy even the most precious moments. I needed to escape the treadmill, and the persistent feeling of ‘never enough time’. It was time to call ‘time out!’ on life before it called time out on me (again, and again, and again).

Our ‘half lap’ around Oz will take us through the bush, beaches and barns of Eastern Australia. On Trailer and Zen, I’ll share our experiences and photos, along with my (sometimes) deeper musings on moving closer to a state of mindfulness and (where possible!) peace.

We’ve only been away just over a week, and already it feels like we’ve seen so much. Travel has a strange way of both stretching and speeding up time all at once (but more on that later). I really can’t wait for the diversity in climate, scenery and (of course) the food and wine our country has to offer.

We’ll check back in here every week or two (maybe more if we’re having too much fun!) so be sure to subscribe to stay up to date. Below are some highlights from our first week.

We hope you enjoy!

Visiting relatives at Fishers Hill
Bush camping in Bucca


Moonee Beach, Coffs Harbour
Burleigh Beach


8 thoughts on “Welcome to Trailer and Zen

  1. Looks good already. Can’t wait for more posts. You sound like a very nice family, probably in your genes.

  2. Love, love love this!! Keep it coming. Miss you all so much but enjoy these amazing memories xoxo

  3. Love the name you landed on and so impressed you are making this a reality – so many people dream about it but never actually do it! I’ll be following your physical and spiritual journey 🙂

    1. Aww thank you darling! All the best for your new adventures – sorry we won’t cross paths in Noosa. We’re just heading up! X

  4. Good on you Kate! This will be an unforgettable time for your family that you will cherish forever. Look forward to following your travels xo

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